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Nova Rotors

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The Italian company has been designing, manufacturing and selling screw pumps, centrifugal pumps since its founding in 1990. The company's products are used in the food industry, mining, petrochemical, waste water transportation and treatment, oil and gas extraction, shipbuilding and other sectors. The company is ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 certified, and a number of its products are ATEX certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Nova Rotors Products

Screw pumps

The company produces a wide range of screw pumps, which are divided into several categories. Screw pumps of MN series are used for pumping viscous liquids, liquids with solid particles, for dosing of flocculants and polymers. The pump casing can be made of cast iron or stainless steel. Pumping capacity of this series reaches 3000 l/h, the maximum pressure is 24 bar. N series pumps are used for transportation of viscous and abrasive liquids, are fastidious in operation and designed for long-term non-stop operation. Most often this series is used in wastewater treatment and processing, storm water, transportation of drilling and cement slurries. The V series is a vertical version of the N series for mounting on top of a tank and taking in liquids from deep water. The capacity of the equipment of this series reaches 220 m3/h and the pressure is 48 bar. H-series screw pumps are equipped with an auxiliary screw in the receiving hopper, which allows them to pump liquids with a dry matter content of up to 18% or liquids with high viscosity. The HS series is an extension of the H-line, equipped with an S-shape auxiliary screw that allows the pump to handle liquids with up to 40% solids content. The X series pumps, designed for the food industry, have a special dead-zone-free design which guarantees that no bacteria can enter the products, as it can occur in the dead-zone of traditional food pumps. The X series pumps have capacities up to 120 m3/h and pressures up to 24 bar.


Diamond Series Screw Pumps

In this series the company has completely renewed the mechanics of the pump in order to increase performance, while retaining all the features of the previous series. The DN - JN series is recommended for heavy duty, waste water treatment and industrial applications. DH-JH series pumps with an additional auger in the feed hopper are used for pumping liquids with high viscosity and increased solids content up to 17%. The DHS-JHS series is a development of the previous series and can transport liquids with up to 40% solids content. The DHB-JHB twin-shaft screw pump series is designed to pump dewatered slurries containing up to 40% solids or for food applications to convey minced meat, fruit and vegetable purees and similar mixtures. The DN-JN series is a solution for transporting wine, juices and beverages without damaging them. The DV series is a variant of the standard pumps, characterized by the vertical installation to allow the suction of liquids from tanks, barrels, cisterns or wells. All Diamond range pumps are available in capacities up to 400 m3/h and pressures up to 48 bar.


Centrifugal Pumps

The company offers GF series centrifugal pumps with flexible vanes. The pumps in this series are self-priming, reversible, compact and yet efficient even at low rpm. The pumps in this range are easy to install and maintain. There are flanged, 2-speed and variable speed versions as well as customized models. The capacity of these pumps can be up to 835 l/min and the pressure up to 3 bar.

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The video above was taken from Nova Rotors official website/Youtube channel.

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